Accessing Properties in Arrays of Objects in JavaScript

Accessing Properties in Arrays of Objects in JavaScript

In JavaScript, working with arrays of objects is a common task, especially when dealing with complex data structures. Oftentimes, you may need to access specific properties within these objects dynamically. Each object within the array has its own set of properties, which are key-value pairs that store data. Accessing these properties in arrays of objects efficiently is essential for manipulating and extracting data. In this guide, we'll explore how to access properties in arrays of objects using functions in JavaScript.

Before we dive deep into illustrations, let's define the terms we will be using and note some key-points.

1. An array [] is a container for storing and accessing a collection of values, often of the same type or related data. Unlike a variable, it stores several datasets including: strings, numbers, objects, etc.

2. Accessing Data in arrays: In an array, data is accessed using numeric indices begining from 0. You can access array elements by their index where the first element of an array is at the index of 0. array[0], array[1], etc.

3. An Object {} is a collection of key-value pairs, where each value is associated with a unique key or property. The keys are usually strings or symbols, and the values can be any data type, including other objects, arrays, functions, and primitive values (e.g, numbers, stings, booleans).

4. Accessing Data in objects: In an object, the data is accessed using keys or property names. You can use either the dot notation ( or the bracket notation (object[property]) to access the values associated with a specific key.

5. To iterate over means to go through each item or element in a collection, such as an array or a list in a sequential order, until a condition is met and perform an action on each of them (usually, the code to be executed and contained within the loop body).

6. A function parameters: These are the variables declared in the function's definition. Parameters are placeholders that define the data that the function expects to receive when it is called. They are defined within the parentheses after the function name.

7. A function arguments: These are the actual values passed to a function when it is called. They are the values supplied within the parentheses at the time of function call or invocation.

Arrays Manipulation best practices

When it comes to manipulating arrays in JavaScript, there are several best practices to consider. These practices can help improve code readability, maintainability, and performance. Here are some array manipulation best practices:

  1. Avoid Mutating Original Arrays: Whenever possible, avoid directly modifying the original array. This helps maintain data integrity and prevents unintended side effects.

  2. Use Descriptive Variable Names: Choose meaningful variable names that accurately describe the purpose and content of the array. This makes your code more readable and self-explanatory, improving its maintainability.

  3. Consider Immutability: Immutable operations on arrays, where the original array remains unchanged, can help prevent bugs and make your code more predictable. Immutable operations are especially important in functional programming paradigms.

  4. Avoid Excessive Nesting: When possible, try to avoid deeply nested arrays. Deep nesting can make code harder to read and understand. Consider refactoring or using techniques like flattening or restructuring your data to simplify array structures.

  5. Write Modular and Reusable Functions: Encapsulate array manipulation logic into reusable functions. This promotes code reusability and maintainability. Well-organized, modular functions also make it easier to test and debug your code.

  6. Document and Comment: Document your code and add comments to explain the purpose, inputs, and outputs of array manipulation operations. This helps other developers (including your future self) understand the codebase and its intentions.

By following these array manipulation best practices, you can enhance the quality, efficiency, and maintainability of your JavaScript code.

In this guide, we are going to consider two examples using the same array of objects.

1. Creating an array of objects:

Let's start by creating an array and populating it with objects. Each Object will represent a contact and will contain multiple properties. .This array will serve as the data structure we'll work with throughout this guide. Here is an example:

    var contacts = [
                "firstName": "Karolyn",
                "lastName": "Qerashi",
                "number": 654321,
                "likes": ["Pizza", "Coding", "Brownie Points"]

                "firstName": "Khali",
                "lastName": "Raju",
                "number": 53489376,
                "likes": ["Shawarma", "Purples", "African Bean Stew"]

                "firstName": "Fahren",
                "lastName": "Viru",
                "number": 654321,
                "likes": ["Onions", "Carrots", "Fruit Salad"]

                "firstName": "Esther",
                "lastName": "Greek",
                "number": 56384739,
                "likes": ["Crayfish", "Periwinkle", "White Yam"]
  1. Accessing the properties of an object: You can access the properties of an object using the dot notation or bracket notation. To access a specific property of an object within the array, you need to specific the index of the object and then the property. Here are examples of both notations:
// Using dot notation:
        console.log(contacts[0].firstName); // output: Karolyn
        console.log(contacts[1].lastName); // output: Raju

        // Using bracket notation:
        console.log(contacts[2]['number']); // output: 654321
        console.log(contacts[3]['likes']); // output: ["Crayfish", "Periwinkle", "White Yam"]

In the dot notation, you directly specify the property name after the index of the object. While in the bracket notation, you can use quotes around the property name and enclose it in square brackets.

  1. Accessing properties dynamically: If you need to access properties dynamically, such as using a variable to store the property name, you can use the bracket notation. Here's an example:
        var propertyFirstName = "firstName";
        console.log(contacts[0][propertyFirstName]);  // output: Karolyn

In this example, the value of the propertyFirstName is used to access the firstName property of the first object of the array.

  1. Accessing Properties in Arrays of Objects using a function: Consider the example below where we define a function to search for a contact in the contacts array based on the given propertyToCheck and retrieve the corresponding property value specified by propertyToReturn:
function getValueFromProperty(array, propertyToCheck, propertyToReturn) {
            for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
                var item = array[i];
                if(item.firstName === propertyToCheck) {
                    return item[propertyToReturn] || "No such property"

            return "No such contact"

        var data = getValueFromProperty(contacts, "Fahren", "number");

Let's go through the function step-by-step:

1. function getValueFromProperty(array, propertyToCheck, propertyToReturn) {: This line defines a function named getValueFromProperty. It takes three parameters which we want to define later, when the function is called: array, propertyToCheck and propertyToReturn which represent the array and the properties of an object to check and return respectively.

2. for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {: This line starts a for loop that iterates over the contacts array. It initializes a variable - the loop control variable which is typically a counter, i to 0, sets the condition to i < contacts.length (loop until i is less than the length of the contacts array), and increments i by 1 in each iteration.

3. var item = contacts[i]: This line declares a variable item and assigns it the value of the ith element of the contacts array. contacts[i] is read as: the element of the array at the index of i. So, item represents the current contact being checked in the loop iteration; the contact in this case, is an object.

4. if(item.firstName === propertyToCheck) {: This line checks if the firstName property of the current item is equal to the propertyToCheck argument passed to the getValueFromProperty function. it compares the value of item.firstName with propertyToCheck.

5. return item[propertyToReturn] || "No such property": If the firstName of the current item matches propertyToCheck, this line returns the value of the propertyToReturn for that item. It uses bracket notation (item[propertyToReturn]) to access the value dynamically. If the property doesn't exist, it returns the string "No such property" using the logical OR (||) operator.

Now, the order of the execution within the for loop is: initialization -> condition check -> loop body execution -> iteration -> condition recheck.

6. return "No such contact": If the loop completes without without finding a contact with a matching firstName, this line is executed, and the function returns the string return "No such contact".

7. var data = getValueFromProperty(contacts, "Fahren", "number"): This line declares a variable data and assigns it the result of calling the getValueFromProperty function with the arguments contacts, "Fahren" and "number". It searches for the contact with the firstName "fahren" and retrieves it "number" property.

8. console.log(data): This line logs the value of data to the console, which can be useful for debugging or displaying the result. In this case, it will log the number associated with the contact having the firstName "Fahren" in the contacts array or one of the error messages returned by the function.

So, the function getValueFromProperty searches for an object in the contacts array based on the firstName property. If a matching object is found, it returns the value of the specified property. If no matching contact is found, it returns either "No such property" if the property exists in the object, or "No such contact" if the object itself does not exist.

Here is an example of returning "No such property":

 var data = getValueFromProperty(contacts, "Fahren", "email");

In this example, we are trying to get the value of the "email" property for the object with the firstName "Fahren". Of course, there is an object with the firstName "Fahren". However, that object in the contacts array does not have an email property. Therefore, the function will return "No such property".

Here is an example of returning "No such contact":

var data = getValueFromProperty(contacts, "Vera", "email");

In this example, we are trying to get the value of the "likes" property for the object with the firstName "Vera". However, there is no object in the contacts array with the firstName "Vera". Therefore, the function will return "No such contact".

Consider another example where we design a function to extract the values of a specific property propertyName from an array of objects (array). So, we'll define a function that accepts the array and property name as parameters. The function will iterate over the array and access the specified property of each object. It will also return an array of propety values. Here's the function:

function getPropertyFromArray(array, propertyName) {
            var result = [];

            for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
                var item = array[i];
                if (item.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
            return result;
        var firstNames = getPropertyFromArray(contacts, "firstName");

Let's go through the function step-by-step: 1. function getPropertyFromArray(array, propertyName) {: This line defines a function called getPropertyFromArray that takes two parameters: array and propertyName.

2. var result = [];: This line declares a variable called result and assigns an empty array to it. This array will store the values of the desired property from the objects in the input array.

3. for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {: This line begins a for loop that iterates over the array parameter. It initializes a variable i to 0, sets the loop condition to continue until i is less than the length of the array, and increments i by 1 in each iteration.

4. var item = array[i];: This line declares a variable called item and assigns it the value of the ith element of the array. It represents the current object being processed in the loop iteration.

5. if (item.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {: This line checks if the current item has the specified propertyName as its own property. The hasOwnProperty() method used to determine if an object has a particular property. If the property exists, the code block inside the if statement is executed.

5. result.push(item[propertyName]);: if the current item has the propertyName, this line pushes the value of that property to the result array using the push() method. It accesses the property value dynamically using bracket notation item[propertyName].

6. return result;: This line returns the the result array, which contains all the values of the specified propertyName extracted from the objects in the array.

7. var firstNames = getPropertyFromArray(contacts, "firstName");: This line declares a variable data and assigns it the result of calling the getPropertyFromArray function with the arguments contacts and "firstName ".

8. console.log(firstNames): This line logs the value of firstNames to the console, which can be useful for debugging or displaying the result. In this case, it will log the array containing all the first names in the contacts array.


In conclusion, this Technical Documentation has provided a comprehensive exploration of accessing properties in Arrays of Objects in JavaScript. We have covered the essential concepts, techniques, and best practices to efficiently navigate and manipulate arrays of objects in JavaScript.

By understanding how to access properties within arrays of objects, you have gained a powerful skillset for working with complex data structures. Whether you need to retrieve specific information, modify values, filter data, or perform aggregations, you now have the necessary tools at your disposal.

Throughout this documentation, we have examined various approaches, including dot notation, bracket notation, and techniques for handling nested objects.

Remember to apply the best practices discussed, such as using descriptive variable names, handling error cases, and ensuring code readability and maintainability. These practices will not only enhance the efficiency of your code but also make it more understandable for yourself and other developers who may work with your code in the future.

Continue to explore and practice the techniques presented in this documentation, as they will greatly enhance your ability to work with arrays of objects in JavaScript. As you gain more experience, you will discover additional nuances and optimizations that suit your specific use cases.

Thank you for engaging with this Technical Documentation, and I hope it has provided you with valuable insights and practical knowledge. Happy coding!